Mission & Vision
Our mission is to full fill the basic needs of animals and protect them. Giving them the life they are worthy of. We will rescue and save injured, sick, under threat and abused stray animals by moving them to our safe sanctuaries where they will be provided medical treatments, food, care, love and nourishment. Once they are ready for forever homes they will be up for adoption under certain terms and conditions. We are strictly against the idea of buying and selling animals and will promote adopt don’t shop. We will have a dog trainer for their therapies as most of them come from abused past and have behavioral issues. We want to make sure they are ready for adoptions.
Disabled, deaf, blind, abused and injured animals can live a safe and comfortable life with us. We want to help the stray animals by our spay/neuter and Tnr programs to save them from streets. Life on streets is very difficult but at JFK all animals will be safe. We want to finish dog culling from our country and provide other options by making sanctuaries for the strays and vaccinating them against rabies. We want to give a safe and happy life to all animals and put an end to animal cruelty.